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Lise Vestergaard

Lise Vestergaard

The international visual artist and Street artist, Lise Vestergaard works fiercely for the climate through her art.

Lise has created the mural “Blown Away” in Løkken in 2019 and “Natures Way” in 2020 in collaboration with Kulturhus Løkken. With yet another collaboration in 2022 Lise has now created a total of 17 new murals in Løkken, each dedicated to one of the 17 world goals. The murals are located around the 6 km long route.

Lise uses art as a sustainable medium in everything she deals with; Everything from public exhibitions, street art to private collections. And with exhibitions that, in addition to the message, also aim to collect funds to support green NGOs, as Verdens Skove, Plastic Change and TRASH ART.


‘Because the playful, creative and sustainable message has the greatest potential…’

With sustainable references to the 17 global goals

Stay rich, give with your heart

The eradication of all forms of poverty remains one of humanity’s greatest challenges. While the number of people living in extreme poverty has halved – from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 736 million in 2015 – far too many still struggle to meet their most basic human needs.
Source: UN Global Goals.


What does it really mean to feel rich? Caring, humanity and love have for many created a richer life than money in the bank.

Feed one, if possible a hundred

795 million people are estimated to be chronically undernourished in 2014. This is often a direct consequence of environmental degradation, drought and loss of biodiversity. Over 90 million children under the age of five are dangerously underweight, and one in four inhabitants of Africa still go to bed hungry.
Source: UN Global Goals.


We must do EVERYTHING we can to send aid to areas where the population is particularly afflicted by hunger. If we simply donate a “meal-to-go” to those in need every time we buy a “coffee-to-go”, then we have come a long way. This mural was chosen for this location because of the brewery, where several types of malt, barley, rye, wheat, oats and unmalted products are used.

An apple a day

Since the adoption of the 2015 goals, historic results have been achieved in reducing child mortality, in improving maternal health, and in combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. The goal is to spread universal health insurance and provide access to safe and effective medicines and vaccines for everyone.
Source: UN Global Goals.


A child on an apple shoot is a sign of a child in excess”. Good nutrition, a healthy diet and clean drinking water are crucial human needs to be met in order to achievewell-being and development.

Let knowledge feed imagination

In keeping with UN Vernde’s goal: Achieving high-quality education for all, reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven engines for sustainable development. This goal is to ensure that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030.
Source: UN Global Goals.


It is said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Perhaps the balance is a good combination of these.The painting is made on a wall at Løkken skole, the center for learning and communication.

A glance of equality

Strengthening women’s rights and opportunities, and greater equality are essential to accelerate sustainable development. Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, but also has a multiplier effect across all other areas of development.
Source: UN Global Goals.


This artwork shows a girl in whose sunglasses a text is reflected. The text is “Equality is everyone’s human right”. It should not be necessary to talk about gender equality, a reflection that everyone is human and must treat each other with respect regardless of gender, age, background and nationality.

No water, no green, no blue

Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of the world’s population. It is an alarming number which is expected to increase with the rising global temperatures caused by climate change. In 2011, 41 countries experienced “water stress”. Ten of them are close to exhausting their sources of renewable fresh water and must now rely on non-conventional sources. Drought and desertification are already exacerbating these trends. In 2050, it is expected that one in four will be affected by recurring water shortages.
Source: UN Global Goals.


We must limit our water consumption, think about using less – both when we brush our teeth, wash dishes and wash clothes.


Between 1990 and 2010, the number of people with access to electricity increased by 1.7 billion, and as the global population continues to grow, so will the demand for cheap energy.
Source: UN Global Goals.


However, the most sustainable energy is the one we don’t use…

A Childs job is to play and have fun

In the developing world, the middle class now accounts for more than 34 percent of total employment – ​​a figure that has almost tripled between 1991 and 2015.
Source: UN Global Goals.


About giving children room to play and room for expression, yes, letting children be children, must be the most important task for the child. The artwork of the child swinging has been thoughtfully placed on one of the city’s playgrounds: Markedspladsen.

Connecting people

Sustained investments in infrastructure and innovation are decisive driving forces for economic growth and development.
Source: UN Global Goals


The boy is a symbol of SUSTAINABILITY.
How big a burden future generations will have to bear depends on our actions today!

Sharing is caring

The richest 10 percent earn up to 40 percent of total global income. The poorest 10 percent earn only between 2 and 7 percent of total global income. Inequality is a global problem that requires global solutions.
Source: UN Global Goals.


The motif at World Goal No. 10 is the only one of the 17 World Goal works on the route that does not depict a child. The artwork shows a cat and a bird with each half of a banknote in its mouth. As an old saying goes: He who hides for the cat, hides for the night.

How much space does a human need

More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas. Sustainable development cannot be achieved if we do not change the way we build and manage our urban spaces.
Source: UN Global Goals


Should there be more of us living in the same place, or should we live in less space? Or should we, like Elon Musk, look beyond the horizon?

Local crops

Economic growth and sustainable development require us to reduce our footprint on nature as soon as possible. Halving global food waste per capita at retailer and consumer level is important to create more efficient production methods and supply chains.
UN Global Goals


The best thing we can do to reduce our CO2 footprint is to reduce the path from farm to table and use our local crops.

Back to nature

All countries in the world can see the drastic consequences of climate change. Emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise, and emissions today are more than 50 percent higher than 1990 levels.
Source: UN Global Goals.


It is time that we live in harmony with nature. Back to nature.

Teach a man to fish, you’ll feed him for a lifetime

The livelihoods of over three billion people depend on the biodiversity in marine and coastal areas. But today there is overfishing by around 30 percent, which is far above the level at which fish stocks can reproduce sustainably.
Source: UN Global Goals


How can we demand responsible fishing? The artwork depicts a boy fishing. Teach a person to fish properly and we will have food for a lifetime.

No water, no green, no blue

Our lives are as dependent on the land as they are on the sea for our nutrition and livelihood. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface and are vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources of clean air and water.
Source: UN Global Goals


Stop the loss of biodiversity. If we don’t have water, we don’t have all the greenery that our insects can live on. And we don’t have our blue planet either.

Calling peace

We live in a world that is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy sustained peace, security and prosperity, while others are plagued by seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. This is by no means inevitable and must be resolved.
Source: UN Global Goals


The little girl by the tunnel receives a message from the boys in world goal no. 17. The message is “Peace”, “Love” and “Friendship”.

Peace, love and friendship

The world goals for sustainable development can only be realized through strong global commitment and cooperation. The world today is more closely connected than ever before. Better access to technology and knowledge is an important way to share ideas and promote innovation.
Source: UN Global Goals


This mural is combined with world goal no. 16. It is all about peace and it is about strengthening partnerships.